Delicious, fresh food delivered
straight from a mobile kitchen

How it works

Tell us your needs

Fill out our simple catering request form to give us the details we need to provide some great options and we will get to work for you.

We'll send you options

With over 170 Food Trucks all around New Zealand we can usually supply a range of options for your event.

Choose your favourite

Select your favourite truck and menu, make payment to secure the truck. Sit back and enjoy your event.

Let us help you find the perfect food truck

Types of Catering

Recurring Office Lunches (self pay)

We create a rotating schedule of food trucks to park outside your building because every lunch break needs more variety. With a wide variety of food trucks we create a “watering hole” where employees can get great food by simply stepping outside. This is a great way to improve the amenities and atmosphere of an office while also helping productivity from our completely self-contained service.

Parties, Weddings & Corporate (prepay)

Hire the best food trucks in New Zealand to provide extraordinary catering for your wedding, a conference, seminar, holiday party, product launch or other corporate events. At these events, all of the food is typically paid for in advance for your audience to enjoy.

If you have enough people we can provide a variety of trucks and food options for your guests to enjoy.

Special Event Catering (minimum guarantee)

Hire food trucks for a big event or event series that you are planning. Whether it is a concert or a type of festival, food trucks are great additions to any outdoor event. Usually these are set up where the attendees pay the food truck directly - so it is easy for the event organiser. A minimum guarantee ensures the trucks costs are covered - enabling us to book the best trucks for your event.

How much do Food Trucks cost?

There are a number of factors that can affect the cost of Food Truck Catering:


How many food trucks you would like to have

How many people are you planning to feed

The menu items you select to serve

Length of service time

Where your event is located

For all catering we have a minimum booking fee of $1,500 incl GST. Fill out our catering request form and we will get back to you with a non-obligation estimate of how much food truck catering will cost for your specific event. We will work with you to put together the best food truck catering package in your price range.